February 18, 2025
Hello my friends!
I'm sorry it has been a few days since I posted an update, but I quickly learned that chemo doesn't care if I feel well or not. I had my first chemo treatment on Thursday, February 13. It was a very long day with about 7 hours of getting started and multiple drug infusions. It wasn't fun, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. When I finished, I felt pretty good, and I was really hungry, so we stopped to eat. About 2 hours later I realized that was not such a good idea. The unrelenting nausea started and while the Zofran and Compazine helped, the nausea was always lingering. By Sunday I was feeling better and started eating with some soup. Sunday evening the bone and muscle pain started, and it is still a bit of a problem, but I am grateful that while my side effects have been uncomfortable, they have not been debilitating. Afterall, chemo is poison that is seeking to destroy cancer cells.
I realize more every day that I am truly blessed; I am blessed to have an option for treatment, I am blessed to have a husband and family that loves me and cares for my every need, I am blessed by friends that pray for me and offer so many times a day to help me, I am blessed by having everything that I need, so what more could I want? I am also reminded that my greatest blessing is the power of the Holy Spirit living in me through my faith in Jesus Christ. The Spirit that is strong when I am weak, the Spirit that lets me rest while it fights, the Spirit that assures me that regardless of how scary the circumstances may look, everything is fully under the control of the Almighty God of this universe that I have the privilege to call Father, and I have the Comforter that sooths and holds in a near tangible way during the night when bones ache and sleep can't be found. Yes, I am most blessed!
I heard the song Flowers Grow in the Valley by Samantha Ebert for the first time tonight and it is one of those hauntingly beautiful songs that leaves your pondering the lyrics - lyrics that continue to play in your head. As I have contemplated these haunting lyrics, I've realized that even a cancer diagnosis can be an ugly lifeless appearing seed that is planted into my life, but I can choose to allow God to use His watering-can to nurture this seed into a beautiful flower, or I can just let it grow wild like a weed and choke the life out of what God wants to be a beautiful period in my life. Is everything in my life beautiful right now, certainly not, but can I allow this time to be used for something more that is good, absolutely!
2 Corinthians 4:17 " For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever!"
My prayer is for God to bless you with good health and for each of you to know the power, the safety, the security, the provision, the peace of mind, and most of all the LOVE that comes from knowing Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
Salvation is not a political statement, it is a Love Story !
February 7, 2025 Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Good afternoon my friends!
A friend and former colleague sent me an inspiring message today that has resonated with me all afternoon. She is a cancer survivor, and unlike me, she wasn't in the older years of her life when she started her journey, she was (and is) a young woman with a family, and she loves Jesus. She reminded me of how much Isaiah 41:10 has meant to her during her cancer journey. This is also a special verse to me. God tells us that He, the almighty God, will strengthen us and help us; He will uphold us with His righteous right hand. Have you ever thought about physically extending your right hand to take hold and really feel the strong grasp of God's righteous right hand? I had not, but because of this dear friend I certainly think a lot about it now!
I do want to take a minute to fill you in on the update about my cancer diagnosis. As I have told many of you, MD Andersons confirmed the diagnosis that was made by my doctors in Florence, Alabama. I have a cancer that is called Clear Cell Adenocarcinoma of the Peritoneum. It is thought to be from an endometrial implant from many years ago when I struggled with endometriosis. It is a rare and aggressive type that isn't often found until late stages after it has spread. It is even more rare to find it in a woman that has had a total hysterectomy a couple of years before. So if you look it up, realize that much of what is written isn't about the stage that I have. Mine appears to be early without evidence that it has spread. There is treatment for it, and I will start chemotherapy treatments on Thursday, February 11, at ClearView Cancer Center in Florence, AL. I have much to tell about how God has worked in this, so bear with me. Jenny, my daughter-in-law, awakened on Tuesday morning with this still small voice prompting her to call an oncologist that she knew form some mission work that she had participated in with him. She said she just couldn't dismiss it, she messaged him, and he messaged her back pointing out that I needed to start treatment quickly. Without too many long pages of details, God has worked out so many things, so quickly, in a healthcare system that typically moves slowly, but the "fix it" me had to take my hands off and allow someone else to help me. Those of you that know me, know that is hard for me to do, but God wants me to learn to trust Him and His ways, because they are so, so much higher than my way, and sometimes His ways means allowing Him to work through others on your behalf. My oncologist is an amazing humble Christian man. He is excellently qualified and has worked collaboratively with MD Anderson on other patients across the years. He held our hands and prayed a powerful prayer over me. This amazing busy oncologist that is retiring soon and not seeing new patients saw me in less than 48 hours, and the only reason I haven't already started chemotherapy is that I had to stop my blood thinner for a few days before having my port catheter inserted surgically. I'll have my port placed on Tuesday, so as you think of it next week, keep me in your prayers.
So, so many people have been through circumstances similar to mine, and so many have been through much worse. Just know that there's no diagnosis that strikes fear into the heart of God.
I can't say that I am ready to thank God for cancer, or that I will ever be able to do that, but I can sure thank Him for everything that He is teaching me in this journey. I've praised Him for the good times, and now it's time to praise Him in the tough times. Dr. Steve Gaines, the pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, is going through a difficult cancer battle and in one of his recent sermons he shared a song that he listens to every day, it was new to me, but it is a powerful song that I now have on my playlist. If you haven't listened to is You're Not Done by Leland & Charity Gayle, take the time to listen. It says, "If you still have breath in your lungs, you're not done." Dr. Adrian Rogers used to say that we aren't made to "sit ,soak, and sour."
My prayer is for the LORD to bless you, to keep you, may His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace."
If you don't know, when you see the word LORD in all caps in the Bible it indicates the word Jahwey (Yahweh), that is the sacred name of God.
I will try to update a couple of times a week, just for my own encouragement if nothing else.
Much love to your all!
If you have a prayer need or just want to communicate with my privately, my email address is mamatdawson1674@gmail.com and my phone for text or calls is 662-660-9424. I would be honored to pray for you as so many of you are praying for me.
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Praying for you dear Teresa. I’m so glad I got to see you at Andrea’s wedding last year. My sweet cousin Marilyn Nell shared your story with me.
Praying for you as I walk this journey also.
Thinking of you🙏🌹. Blessings for peace, comfort, strength and joy for the day.