I apologize that I haven't posted for a few days, but our lives have been a bit of a whirlwind over the past 10 days. I was a bit frustrated with the obstacles that I kept encountering trying to get my chemo treatments set up locally, but once again the Holy Spirit had to remind me to Be Still and Let God. My ladies Sunday School class will tell you that I have used this phrase so many times over the past couple of years to remind us that we have to turn loose of the problems that we like to hold so tightly before we can Be Still and recognize the many ways that God shows us that He is God!
Back to the frustration, I know that the type cancer that I have is rare and it can be quite aggressive, and I have been told that there's no evidence that it has spread. As a "fixer", I want to get started with the treatment plan yesterday, but in typical Teresa fashion, I start trying to make it happen. I called three cancer centers in our area and received little response aside from they would start the process when they received a referral. Despite thanking God every day that I can stay home to have chemo treatments, I was ready to pack up and go back to Houston. Once I turned loose and "let God", He worked everything out in less than 24 hours. A wonderful Christin oncologist that doesn't know me accepted me as his patient yesterday and now I am scheduled to go tomorrow for a pre-op appointment to have a special IV access port placed in my chest so I can start chemo next week. That's a huge praise because healthcare doesn't move that fast. God continues to amaze me with His faithfulness despite my unfaithfulness.
I am so very thankful for the many prayers that surround me on a daily basis. There's "head knowledge" and then there is true understanding, and I am starting to understand the power of prayer. In Matthew 17:20 Jesus tells us that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. Growing that kind of faith is a journey, and my current place in this journey is teaching me so many things, but today's lesson is to Be Still and Know that He is God.
I love sunflowers and they remind me that I must turn my face to the SON to receive light and sustenance. Sunflowers are resilient and continue to grow strong and tall despite adverse weather conditions, and we are reminded that with faith even the size of a mustard seed we can persevere with strength in the face of adversity.
If you need to know my Jesus, I would love to introduce you!

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Teresa, I have read February 7 and 5th of your journey. I am so glad that things turned around after your frustration week before. It is amazing how the appointment turned out with help of your daughter in law. I thought about you yesterday and I pray for you every day.
Also I researched CCCP . Seems to be very rare. I love reading your updates about how God is leading you.
I am catching up on your updates days 5 and 7 as well as days at MD Anderson. I’m so grateful to God that we were able to reconnect recently. We come to Iuka frequently and I pray for you often. Love you my friend.